Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeDealsGet 50% bonus on Etihad travel vouchers

Get 50% bonus on Etihad travel vouchers

The Abu Dhabi-based airline Etihad Airways has launched a generous promotion offering 50% bonus on the value of travel vouchers purchased over the next two weeks.

When you buy an Etihad Travel Voucher between 10 – 24 June, the airline will add 50% value for free. So, if you buy a voucher worth $1,000, you’ll have $1,500 to spend on your next trip.

You can choose any voucher mount from $250 up to $65,000. The voucher can be used to pay for flights and extras from 1 August 2020 and will be valid for two years, which should give you plenty of time to use it.

Etihad is a full-service airline operating in Australia out of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, and is a great option for flying to the Middle East, Europe and Africa. You can browse its normal (pre-Covid) route map here.

Of course, no one knows how long travel restrictions will last, and there is a risk the airline won’t make it through the current crisis. It’s been dealing with a lot of well-publicised financial issues lately, however being government-owned means it has deep pockets. You need to weigh up whether the risk/reward with this deal is worth it.

To take advantage of this offer, you must be a member of Etihad’s loyalty program, Etihad Guest. It’s free to join here.

To purchase the voucher, you’ll need to get in touch with an Etihad contact centre. More information is available on Etihad’s website here.

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